Fashion Fierce: YOU ‘work it’

What makes fashion fierce?

We hear it a lot more than we give it credit. It is beyond the outrageous poses Tyra Banks demands when she shouts: “give me fierce!” from her models. It’s not just the hands on the hips, the tilting of the head, the pout on your lips, or having eyes that looks close to making the kill.

1. It’s the personality.

. . . or an aspect of it anyway. Beyonce described her latest album Sasha Fierce to be her alter ego (if we assume a personhood for the album). An alter ego is another you masked underneath the YOU that people see everyday—the second personality in your identity.

Fierce as this second personality means to exude backbone,          strength, confidence, a fearlessness to stand out and embrace      the spotlight you deserve, a champion. Sometimes, fierce is            taken to the extreme—in makeup, the length of heels, the                thickness of eyeliner . . . but the normal fierce would be                  without that. It would simply be a decisive stare, a stubborn          jaw, a daring composure, a sure stance.

If you think about it, it’s pretty rare to see people whose main        personality is fierce. It’s pretty hard to always channel fierce        because people are made with more than one characteristic.          Not only will it drive people away from you in fear or                        intimidation, but it’s an image that can be very tiring to keep        up with.

You don’t see Beyonce going all fierce while grabbing some coffee fix at Starbucks. That would be just terrifying. One can never be strong all the time. Which is why, I like the idea of fierce as an alter ego, the hidden personality beneath a normal exterior. There’s an element of surprise there somehow. It’s like saying “hey, I may be a sweet and sensitive girl or a charming good guy but I can be strong and ready to push boundaries when the occasion needs it.”

Of course, there are other people whose main persona is fierce. But it’s all a matter of preference.

2. It’s the person.

The main spotlight isn’t in the accessories, it isn’t even in the heels or the tough leather jacket. It’s not the clothes but the person wearing it. Fierce is executed only when the person wearing the clothes is comfortable with it.

Why is it that models seem to be able to work with whatever outrageous outfit designers have for them? The clothes may be oh so eye catching and ostentatious, but without the walk and the confident glare behind all those make up, it would be a laughing stock or a waste of fabric.

It’s in the walk, the air of arrogance and confidence oozing out of the person that enhances everything—that transforms crazy to ‘creative’ and disgusting to ‘unique’.

The person who walks like he rules the world can make bunny pajamas look hot.

So answering the question, what makes fashion fierce? It’s you—every person—saying “I am strong”, “I am capable”, “I am my own person”, “I love myself”, and “I am secure with all that I am regardless of what people think”.

Fat can be fierce.

Short can be fierce.

Ugly can be fierce.

Because having the right attitude about things has a magic that transforms handicaps to weapons. And ugliness to something awe strikingly beautiful.

Being fierce is being who you are, just as you are whether bad-ass loud or classy posh or sexy suave.

. . . . Then again, wearing badass (yet classy) black always helps the look *wink wink*

<disclaimer: pics are owned by their respective sites and are shown only for visual references 🙂 >