Fierce and Love ♥

When it comes to Fashion, the word Fierce always comes along with it. So what does it really mean to become FIERCE?

Fierce-shonistas are commonly known as the “STUNNERS” , or the  “SHOW-STOPPERS”! 🙂 Of course BSB is always on the lookout for these fashionistas! 🙂

Without further ado let’s meet some of the Fierce-shonistas BSB spotted strutting in style in campus! 🙂

1st Fierc-eshonista:

Name: Samantha Belle Que Rodriguez; IV BS Legal Management

Q: What is being “Fierce” to you?
Ans: Being Fierce for me is being confident and secure in your own skin.

I have a Fierce . . . personality!

Her Fierce message to everyone: Stay fierce and be yourself. Dare to be different.

Q: If you were an Animal, what would you be and why?
Ans: I’d be a dove so I can gracefully reach for the sky.

2nd Fierce-shonista:

Name: Frantz Edward Lim Dy; III BS Communications Technology Management

Q: What is being “Fierce” to you?
Ans: Being fearless . . . like the models in America’s Next Top Model. I watch that.

I have a Fierce . . . Tongue. I don’t care what other people think. I say what I feel.

His Fierce message to everyone: “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They make the best out of everything.”

Q: If you were an Animal, what would you be and why?
Ans: I’d be a wolf . . . because it’s intense. They’re from North America and are from the Canine family . . . (BSB: this guys is really sabaw)

Name: Ryan Reyes; I BS Health Science

Q: What is being “Fierce” to you?
Ans: Being Fierce is wearing ‘loud’ (clothes) that make you immediately noticeable to others. You stand out.

I have a Fierce . . . “package” (BSB: referring to himself in the entirety)

His Fierce message to everyone: Don’t stop being fierce!!

Q: If you were an Animal, what would you be and why?
Ans: I’d be a Rhinoceros, because I play football, and it really doesn’t affect me when the ball hits my head. So yeah, I have a hard head—literally.

Name: Fons Martinez; I AB Communications

Q: What is being “Fierce” to you?
Ans: Being Fierce is all about being yourself . . . so if you’re not fierce (noun: yourself) now, you’re never be Fierce (adjective).

I have a Fierce . . . Outfit!

Her Fierce message to everyone: Choose Fashion over comfort, because it’s important to look nice and dressed up every time. You’ll never know who you will meet along the day.

Q: If you were an Animal, what would you be and why?
Ans: I’d be a pussy cat, because I am me-ow fierce!
















Name: Lucia Fischer; IV AB Communications

Q: What is being “Fierce” to you?
Ans: Being Fierce is being YOU. It’s the confidence to be YOU.

I have a Fierce . . . Tongue Ring!

Her Fierce message to everyone: The lyrics of Colt 45.

Q: If you were an Animal, what would you be and why?
Ans: I’d be a leopard because they’re elegant, majestic, and fiercely dangerous. They can just kill you easily.

Hope y’all had fun getting to know our featured Fierce-shonistas!

Fierce and Love ♥,