I am My Hair – Hair Care

When we dress up, we pick our clothes, our accessories, shoes, bags and what most of us forget is our hair. We may love styling it a lot but we forget to take good care of it in order to make it look beautiful if not flawlessly good. Here are 3 of the simple yet top healthy hair tips.

1. Shampoo

Wash your hair regularly. It cleans up the scalp by removing dirt. Use cold water when washing your hair because it helps lock hair moisture. But yes, there’s such a thing as washing your hair too much.  If you shampoo too much, it removes the natural oils that keep your hair shiny.

Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FQJHIFCCl9k/TTiwCxQKUlI/AAAAAAAAAFo/nOS2wDgoIh4/s1600/shampooing-hair.jpg

2. Condition

We sometimes forget this but shampooing is not enough. We need to condition our hair because it adds moisture and makes your hair softer.

3. Be healthy

If you are not healthy, your hair won’t be healthy as well. So eat, exercise and get enough sleep. In short, have a healthy lifestyle and your hair will be healthy as well.

Source: http://blog.amaloils.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Healthy-Hair.jpg


For those gals with long hair, here’s a hairstyle you can try. For going to school or going out with friends, a pretty braid is never out of style.

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