Eyes Eyes Baby!

With the onset of the rainy season and the rampant ravages of storms, skies grow dim and gray. Finding people wearing shades go with this weather as well, it’s dim. Yet we found these Ateneans who wear shades and disregarding the fact that it’s dim outside.

Mikko Palon

3 – BS: MGT

Mikko brings his shades every day but only wears it when the sun is up and shining. He mentioned that sometimes, even though there is rain, the sun’s glare is still evident therefore he readies his shades just in case. He considers his shades as both an accessory and a necessity. With the array of shades he has at home, he tries to match his clothes with his shades. He believes that it is a confidence booster and that his shades him look cool.

Julian Torcuator
3 – AB: POS

Blue Style Bubble was lucky enough to see someone bringing his shades even though it was a rainy day and a rainy week. The quirky Julian wears his shades when he feels like it and when the weather permits. He mentioned that just in case the sun’s glare is up and about, he has his shades to keep his eyes safe. He mentioned that it strains the eyes when one is exposed to a certain duration with the sun’s glare


Miguel Totanes


Miguel was previously featured in Blue Style Bubble with the entry name: Laid Back Lounging

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