Fashion OOPs and OOHs

July 3, 2011

The most embarrassing fashion crime to date?

I was walking along the hall when I spotted my crush. I felt a bit happier seeing him so I was in high spirits. We don’t know each other or anything, but I’ve always admired him. As I was walking past him ever so casually, he stopped to talk to me.

I went to heaven.

It was my dream come true . . . until he mentioned, really bluntly, that my zipper was (****) open.

I swear, I never wanted to go to heaven so badly. It was a definitely traumatizing ‘kill me now’ moment. I made sure to check my pants every now and then. So much for a start up conversation. I stopped liking him from then on.

-OpenFly, 20.

July 18, 2011

My most embarrassing fashion crime was when I was a kid, but of course, I don’t think it can be counted as a super crime since I was young and innocent (hem hem).

I used to have “favorites”. Like if I have ten dresses, there are only three that I really really like. So what I would do is I would wear one dress for ONE week whenever we would go out. I refused to wear anything else but that dress. I still remember it. It was empire waist, the top portion being white with puffed sleeves and the bottom being a flow-y lavender. There was flowers too, lol! And there was also that maong jumper I ALWAYS wore to family reunions.

I basically threw tantrums when I wouldn’t be able to wear my worn out usuals, and my mom was okay with it . . . for a while.

I stopped eventually but the evidence could still be seen on my photo album.

And even up to this day, some of my relatives would tease me and ask: “hey, where’s your jumper”? or “what happened to your favorite dress?”

I consider this a fashion crime, because with fashion, you should be able to spice it up. Don’t be complacent with your style–mix and match! Be creative!

— Jumperhotness, 19

When Fashion takes Flyght

What you wear can be crucial. It can inspire awe . . . or just about make you the laughing stock of the community. We all want to look our best, but, yes, mistakes are inevitable. More than that, accidents are inevitable. Here are some scenarios and tips of prevention and–when all prevention fails–improvisation.

Case 1: Fly problems

Laugh all you want, but it happens. The case of ‘dude, your fly’s open’ is certainly socially mortifying, but you’ll survive, and no, the solution may not always be to bang your head against the wall for forgetting to zip it up. Sometimes, the problem lies in the zipper itself. It’s either:

a.) hard to close

b.) enchanted that it opens by itself

For A, a fix would be needed. Zippers are made to function so that it slides up and down relatively easy. No need to turn purple trying to yank it up neither does your fingers need to hurt from a tight grip. Of course, a good zipper, once it’s up, stays up.

B is the worst of the two, arguably since it has the element of surprise there, but there are solutions. This case is common with tight pants–yes, the type that you have to force your thighs into and suck a bit of tummy to button at the waist. Or your zipper might simply be too well lubricated that it slides down by itself.

The solution, of course is simply to get it changed to the right kind . . . .or to buy the right size of pants in the future. If you opt to get the zipper fixed, be cautious of the zipper code too. The zipper always have to match the type of bottoms you have. You don’t see a maong jeans with the smooth zipper from evening gowns or vice versa. Neither do you see jacket zippers on dresses. Just a note.

Then again, you can also opt to live with the frustration of having a magical self-opening fly. Heads up though, it’s pretty hassle and not to mention awkward to look or even feel (God forbid, it just looks wrong) if you’re exposed down yonder.

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